Sublime Forum

Inverse search help though project files


I’ve written a .py file that does an inverse search through the currently open files for the string entered.

I would like some pointers on how to make this work for the files in the current project.

Here’s the code:

import sublime, sublime_plugin

# What this does.
# Inverse search open files for text not found.

# How to use:
# 1. Open the files you want to inverse search.
# 2. Run the program and paste the text you want to inverse search for.
# 3. The program will then copy the file paths to your clipboard and display a
#    pop-up showing the list of files and with a file count too.

# Search through the existing project files instead without having to open them of course.

class AllOpenFilesInverseFindText(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):

  def run(self, edit):
    findStr = self.view.window().show_input_panel("Paste/enter text you want to inverse search for on all open tabs (Case sensitive):", '', self.on_done, None, None)

    htmlStrHelpMsg = """
    body { margin: 10px }
    html { background-color: grey; border: 2px solid black; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif }
    <h3>Paste/enter text you want to inverse search for on all open tabs in the box at the bottom:</h3>
    - If you\'ve multiple lines, it\'s best to copy and paste your string.<br>
    - Control + Enter to add a new line.<br>
    - Search is case sensitive.

    self.view.show_popup(htmlStrHelpMsg, max_width=750, max_height=400)

  def on_done(self, findStrVar):

    fileList = ""
    fileListPopupMsg = ""
    fileCnt = 0

    for view in self.view.window().views():

      contents = view.substr(sublime.Region(0, view.size()))  #
      isFound = contents.find(findStrVar)

      if view and view.file_name() and isFound == -1: # isFound will return -1 if string is not found.
        fileList += view.file_name() + "\r\n"
        fileListPopupMsg += view.file_name() + "<br>"
        fileCnt += 1


    if fileCnt == 0: fileMsgCnt = "files" ; fileMsg1 = "have been"
    if fileCnt == 1: fileMsgCnt = "file" ; fileMsg1 = "has been"
    if fileCnt > 1: fileMsgCnt = "files" ; fileMsg1 = "have been"

    # Help on .show_popup:
    htmlStrResult = """
    body { margin: 10px }
    html { background-color: grey; border: 2px solid black; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif }
    <h2>Found """ + str(fileCnt) + """ """ + fileMsgCnt + """ that don\'t contain your text!</h2>
    <h3>(""" + str(fileCnt) + """ """ + fileMsgCnt + """ paths """ + fileMsg1 + """ also copied to your clipboard)</h3><br>
    \r\n\r\n""" + fileListPopupMsg

    self.view.show_popup(htmlStrResult, max_width=1000, max_height=400)