Sublime Forum

Introducing RestructuredText plugin


Hi everybody,

I’m the main developer of the Sublime’s RestructuredText plugin.

ReStructuredText is a lightweight markup language to produce any kind of document in different formats. Like Markdown, it’s designed to be easily readable by humans, but (IMHO) it’s much more powerful (but a bit more verbose) . restructuredText is the “de facto” markup to write documentation in Python based Project

The plugin is developed in ST2 but has an ST3 experimental support.

Would be a pleasure to read your feedback, ideas and pull requests :smiley:




Noobs like myself need an easier way to preview their restructured text that don’t require us to do a metric ton of python stuff (especially python 3 stuff that conflicts with all the python 2.7 stuff)

I like your read me page on github - it is quite useful to have all the shortcuts listed in one place. Any chance there is a keyboard shortcut that shows a list of keyboard shortcuts?