I have a new Linux and Mac command line (console) application/tool called htmlval (based on CSS HTML Validator for Windows) that validates HTML and CSS documents and spits out error and warning messages.
I want to tell users of htmlval how to best integrate it with various text editing programs and the first one I chose to try was Sublime Text.
So my question is, if a user is creating/editing an HTML or CSS documents with Sublime Text, then what is the best way they can use a command line tool like htmlval to check the document for errors and see the list of errors and warnings that htmlval produces. The input to htmlval would of course be the current document being edited in Sublime Text. The output can be a list of validation messages.
Ideally the user would be shown the validation messages and be able to click on one of the messages and be taken to the location of the error in the document. The tool (htmlval) can be configured to output the messages in various formats with line numbers and character locations.
Hopefully there is a good but simple solution. Not looking for a ‘complex’ solution at this point.
Albert Wiersch