Sublime Forum

Installed packages won't show up in "/Packages" folder


I have one packages since old that both are in “/Packages”. It’s “SFTP”. Then there is also a “/User” folder inside. But the rest of my packages that I’ve tried to install ends up in “/Installed Packages” as sublime-package files. It’s these packages:

  • Package Control
  • SASS Build
  • Sass
  • SublimeOnSaveBuild

And right now I want to change the SASS Compressed Build settings but there is no folder whit this file where I make theses changes. It works on my other computer. But not on this (my new).

Whats wrong?



SASS Build is a Sublime Text 2 package. In ST2, all packages were installed unpacked in the Packages folder directly, allowing you to modify their contents. In ST3 that is no longer the case, and packages need to specifically request from Package Control that they be installed that way.

Instead, they get installed as sublime-package files in Installed Packages instead. This is a safer mechanism because it allows you to make modifications to files without them being potentially clobbered when a package is updated.

In any case, generally speaking what you’d normally do is something like:

  • Use View Package File and enter compressed build to filter the list of package files, then pick the one that you want to edit
  • Select the entire contents of the build and copy it to the clipboard
  • Use Tools > Build System > New Build System to create a tab with a stub build
  • Replace the entire content of the stub with your copied build
  • Modify the build as you like
  • Save the result to a sublime-build file in your User package with a name that will allow you to recognize it, like Custom SASS Compressed or such

Now the Tools > Build System menu will have an entry for your newly saved build. You can select that build directly from the menu or choose it from the list when you execute the build.