Sublime Forum

Install Package From Code


I am a previous emacs user.
One of the things I miss from emacs is the ability to curate and store a self contained configuration repo. Setting a new machine means cloning a repo and starting up my editor / waiting for things to configure themselves.

I was looking at creating a plugin to manage my configuration and 3rd party plugins automatically for me. It looks like package control is now fully contained in sublime. I am wondering if there is a way to list the commands that package control exposes.



AFAIK, Package Control will install missing packages automatically (restarting ST several times may be required) depending on your configuration. Basically, adding the whole “data folder” should do the job. But there are downloaded .sublime-packages and some sensitive data (such as session and license) which can be excluded from the repo at your will.



Basically you should only need to sync the Packages/User folder over different machines. It contains the Package Control.sublime-settings file with a list of all Packages to install.

On a new machine just install Package Control and pull/checkout the User folder. Package Control starts to install all packages and related dependencies. It might take a while and possibly require severel restarts, but in the end the configuration should be the same.

You can find a basic description about syncing settings at