Sublime Forum

Inquiry from China


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m a programmer working for a Chinese company in Beijing. Recently in a company news I’m informed that Sublime HQ, or its representative in China, has sent us a letter for the illegal uses of the Sublime Text by the workers and is asking for compensations and threatened with potential legal actions. Obviously, the company leadership is very concerned, and is doing a full scale investigation on any uses of the Sublime Text editor. Just in case, could you verify it, please? It’s urgently important, thank you very much!!

Yours truly,


P.S. Here is the original letter in Chinese:

据了解,贵司研发部门相关开发、运维人员涉嫌不同程度安装使用未经授权的Sublime Text软件,无论是否删除、卸载,Sublime Text软件著作权人,有权追溯侵权方过往的侵权行为。安装、打开过非合规软件,均已构成侵权。权利人有权按照装机数量及著作权法相关规定要求侵权方至少进行2-5倍赔偿。如贵司持续坚持现有的态度,我委托人将保留一切能够保护自身合法权益的网络执法,行政执法程序及司法诉讼程序。



That’s not us. We certainly do not have a legal representative in China, nor have asked any to crack down on illegal usage of Sublime Text.