Sublime Forum

Input_panel with multiple input field like find&replace



first I’ve to say thanks for Sublime Text, the plugin development is easy and can used on all platform.
Now the my problem/question. I have develop plugin which helps user creating markdown. The plugin is for ST2.
Therefor I will create inputs for the link, image syntax and …
At the moment I use the input_panel chain as it is explained in and in

Now I will support also ST3 and I’d like to remove this chain by multiple input fields in one panel.

My two questions are:

  1. Can multiple fields be created in one panel? If yes, please give my a short example.
  2. How can I set the position of a quick_panel, e.g in the panel below the active window.




Well, this is simple.

  1. No.
  2. You can’t, assuming you are referring to the “output panel”.
    If you are talking about a multi-group layout then you could just change the focused view in the window and then open the panel, but otherwise you don’t have any options.