Sublime Forum

Independent highlight colour for gutter and main text


After some searching, it seems it’s impossible to have have a gutter colour without any highlighting, but to still have a highlighted line in the main text itself.

There is also no combination of colour schemes that can simulate this. At best, the gutter colour can be set to the same as the line highlight colour—but then you end up with what looks like a wide vertical bar down the left side of the window, with a perpendicular bar, highlighting the active line of text, that bisects it.

Therefore, what I would like to see is independent preferences:

“highlight_line”: true,
“gutter_highlight_line”: false

It would also make sense to have independent theme settings for specific colour styling:




I second that, albeit I am coming from a different angle, as I like to have a more pronounced highlighting of the gutter to make the current line number stick out. In any case, as far as I understand the tmTheme file options correctly, no such effect is currently possible.


Disable gutter highlight?