With highlight_line enabled, is it possible to disable it only in the gutter ?
It looks ugly on my custom railscast-textmate-like color scheme and theme :
With highlight_line enabled, is it possible to disable it only in the gutter ?
It looks ugly on my custom railscast-textmate-like color scheme and theme :
I’ve been looking for exactly the same answer myself. I find line highlighting to be very useful—but I don’t want the highlighting to be applied to the gutter itself. Is there any way of disabling line highlighting only in the gutter?
No, there is no key for this in the color schemes. The only way to have this effect is if the line highlight and the gutter have the same background.
This has always felt like an oversight to me. I’ve always felt like you should be able to style the gutter highlight independent of the content. At least that’s my opinion.