[size=120]Increase / decrease of numbers (integer and fractional), dates, hex color values, opposite relations or cycled enumerations on the configured value and a bonus - string actions (upper, lower, capitalize)[/size]
Support Multiple Selections
https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/raw/master/inc_dec_number.gif https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/raw/master/inc_dec_hex_color.gif https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/raw/master/inc_dec_opposite.gif https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/raw/master/inc_dec_float.gif https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/raw/master/inc_dec_dates.gif https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/raw/master/inc_dec_strings.gif
Example of the correct values:
- **dates in ISO format `YYYY-MM-DD`**
The increase in year / month / day is its own, without checking the validity of the resulting date.
For days, the value of loops between 1 and 31, for months - loops between 1 and 12.
- **positive and negative integer numbers**
... -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...
- **positive and negative floating-point numbers**
... ... -1.1, -1.19, 0.119, 1.1119, 2.11119, ...
If value is floating-point - increases/decreases applies from last position. for example 1.19 + `alt+up` = 1.20 and 1.11200 + `alt+down` = 1.11199
- **positive and negative numbers and any text after them**
12px, -5em, 100%, 42sometext, (24), [12, -13], {77: -88}, 0.1em, 62.5%/1.5
- **hex colors**
#123 #123456
Pressing the button `alt+up/down` increases/decreases the one character to the left on +1/-1 (regardless of the settings)
If the cursor between the '#' and the hex number in the #123 - the action applies to first character '1'
Pressing the button `super+up/down` increases/decreases the total value of the hex color on +111/-111 or +111111/-111111 (regardless of the settings)
- **opposite relations or cycled enumerations**
true/false, True/False, TRUE/FALSE, left/right
truE > false, tRUe > false, FaLsE > true, LeFT > right`
Pressing the key **`super+alt+up/down`** changes the value under the cursor ("true" or "false") to the opposite
**Version 0.1.0** adds the ability to cycle more than two values:
"Jan" > "Feb" > "Mar" > ... > "Dec" > "Jan"
Example of settings see in
- **any string**
string String STRING
Pressing the key `alt+up` makes the first letter in the word in Uppercase (Capitalize) without affecting the remaining characters.
Pressing the key `super+up` makes the word in UPPERCASE.
Pressing the key `alt+down` or `super+down` makes the word in lowercase.
**Important !**
There will be no change of words, which were applied different rules.
For example, the integer "12px" will not be given "px" to upper case, as a rule is applied to modify this value to "13px".
Not supported:
- numbers in the text and after
qwe42asd, text42
- incorrect hex colors
#1 #12 #1234 #12345 #1234567...
- and may be something else that would like to see...
let me know if you find an error
or you will have new ideas
inc_dec_value.sublime-settings https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Inc-Dec-Value/blob/master/inc_dec_value.sublime-settings
"file": "inc_dec_value.sublime-settings"
, "action_inc_min": 1 // default: 1, key: Alt + Up
, "action_dec_min": -1 // default: -1, key: Alt + Down
, "action_inc_max": 10 // default: 10, key: Super + Up
, "action_dec_max": -10 // default: -10, key: Super + Down
, "action_inc_all": 100 // default: 10, key: Super + Alt + Up
, "action_dec_all": -100 // default: -10, key: Super + Alt + Down
, "enums": // write values to the list only in lowercase
"yes", "no"]
, "true", "false"]
, "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat"]
, "force_use_upper_case_for_hex_color": false
, "autosave": false
Default (Linux).sublime-keymap
{ “keys”: “alt+up”], “command”: “inc_dec_value”, “args”: { “action”: “inc_min” } },
{ “keys”: “alt+down”], “command”: “inc_dec_value”, “args”: { “action”: “dec_min” } },
{ "keys": "super+up"], "command": "inc_dec_value", "args": { "action": "inc_max" } },
{ "keys": "super+down"], "command": "inc_dec_value", "args": { "action": "dec_max" } },
{ "keys": "super+alt+up"], "command": "inc_dec_value", "args": { "action": "inc_all" } },
{ "keys": "super+alt+down"], "command": "inc_dec_value", "args": { "action": "dec_all" } }