Sublime Forum

InactivePanes (dims inactive views in group view)


I recently started developing the previous “” feature from Origami (I don’t think it had a special name) separately because it was abandoned due to numerous errors and problems with ST’s API. I didn’t run into these problems myself though after update a bit of the source so I kept using it. While it is indeed a pita to debug and spot errors I really got used to this feature and could get myself together to distribute it.

Repo, source and images here:
Available from Package Control as “InactivePanes”.


Please report any errors or issues you have so I can fix them.



There is a very disturbing error :smiley: when installed via PC. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sublime Text

Could not create folder ‘C:\Users\luna\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\InactivePanes.sublime-package\Packages\Color Scheme - Default’.
This means that this plugin will not work.

Error: [WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified: ‘C:\Users\luna\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\InactivePanes.sublime-package\Packages’



I suggest to use as temporal/working directory, dirname(sublime.packages_path())+’/Settings/InactivePanes/’ :smile:



I actually through I was doing this already? I probably need to test if module_name contains the .sublime-package extension and strip it for ST3.

Also I probably have to ditch the whole commonprefix thing and just use packages_path instead. Should be an easy fix but I am somehow glad that the error handling I included actually provided help here because I never manages to run into it. :wink:



You are using the package folder not the settings folder.



I dedicated some time for this again now and fixed all known bugs. It should now work seemlessly in both ST2 and ST3 but please let me know if you run into issues.

Also you can now change the color to dim to to whatever you desire (screenshot).



The first “stable” release is out now and will probabaly be the last for ST2, unless there are severe issues.

The most important changes for 1.0.0, alongside afew bugfixes, are:

  • Removed the “InactivePanes_” workaround which has been fixed by ST long ago.

  • All settings for inactivePanes are now read from everywhere where you’d specify a color scheme, such as syntax-specific or project settings.