Sublime Forum

In ST3, a new instance of started with the project name - now it's generic *and then* changes. This is problematic for capturing purposes!


am I the only one who has had problems with a recent update - I think from ST4 and onwards - where new windows now don’t have the project name right as it spawns? Like this:


I use i3 as my windows manager, and used to be able to capture different projects based on the window title. I can’t do that anymore since ST4, because when ST4 starts up, it’s title and class everything is simple Sublime_text, and then afterwards it changes into the project title and so on. This makes it hard to capture correctly.

I know that I can capture the window afterwards with for_window in i3, but this is not desirable - i need to use assign, which captures the name as the program is opened.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start Sublime Text in safe mode

  2. see that window title is not correct at startup:

install i3ipc

pip3 install i3ipc

then in python:

import i3ipc

def on_window_creation(window, event):

i3 = i3ipc.Connection()

i3.on(i3ipc.Event.WINDOW_NEW, on_window_creation)

this last step captures the windows name and titles and so on right when they are created. (as opposed to xprop, which only captures it afterwards unless you’re really really fast)

now open a sublime text project from the commandline:

/opt/sublime_text/sublime_text --project path/to/some/projectname.sublime-project

Expected behavior

I expect the window title to include the name of the project at the moment of startup so I can capture it with assign in the i3 config file

Actual behavior

It just has the generic name Sublime_text which makes it impossible to distuinguis between projects and assign them to different workspaces at the moment of startup. This was what happened in ST3.


  • Build: 4113
  • Lubuntu 20.04
  • [Linux] Desktop Environment and/or Window Manager: i3