Sublime Forum

[In Beta] Sublime ThemeChanger [Testers and Ideas needed!]


[size=200][Beta] ThemeChanger for Sublime Text 2[/size]

I always used to switch my color scheme depending on the amount of sunlight, because looking at a dark screen in a light environment or vice versa gives me eye strains. When developing I’m always focussed on the project and I always found myself changing the color scheme way to late when I was already feeling my eyes a little. So I made a simple bash script that switched my user preferences around 7:30 and 19:30, this didn’t work so well because every times I changed some settings. I forgot to do it in the backup files causing me to lose my settings. So I started developing this plugin. I think that every developer that uses Sublime Text 2 for most of their day should try this out to see the difference.

[size=120]Github Branches:[/size]
Beta: Github
Nightly: Github (Not recommended)

[size=120]Want to help?[/size]

  • I’m currently looking for ideas to improve the plugin. Leave a comment with your suggestion.

  • The plugin is still in beta and since the plugin is quite a background plugin I need beta testers to find bugs and performance issues

  • If you would like to contribute to the plugin by developing, go over to the github page. I’ll always accept great pulls!

Version: Beta 0.1


  • Saving the settings file requires another save of any file to update the settings, due to a bug in the Sublime Text 2


  • First working version

  • Changed status to beta



Well I’m no Python guru, and have no idea what the error could be, but I can tell you I fully support this! I’ve actually been looking for this lately. :smile:

BTW, can you add an undefined amount of times to change themes? Or only a limited amount?

  • Eduan


I fixed the error, it had something todo with me being to lazy to restart Sublime Text 2. I changed the posts to a more like diary of the development so people can see how buggy it is.

@Eduan: Thanks for the enthusiasm, You set the plugin to change the scheme every second if you would want that, there is no option to pick dates yet though.

If you want this please comment so I can see whether I should implement it or not



Glad you solved the problem. :smile:

I don’t really care for changing it at certain dates, I meant changing it at certain times. But your answer to second per second change answers the question. :wink:

Whenever you have it finished shoot me a PM, so that I can test it out. :smile:



I also tend to change my theme during the day :wink:. Not sure that I would use a plug-in for this myself but I certainly encourage your enthusiasm.

It would be possible (I suppose…) to use geo-location-ing to find the sunset/sunrise times, and even the weather, for the user’s location.

Some modern computers use “ambient lighting”. I have no idea how this works but, presumably, if the computer is able to determine the *lighting *of the current environment, then it must (presumably) store this information somewhere… in which case it could also be read (somehow?). This should fill your weekends :sunglasses:



[quote=“agibsonsw”]I also tend to change my theme during the day :wink:. Not sure that I would use a plug-in for this myself but I certainly encourage your enthusiasm.

It would be possible (I suppose…) to use geo-location-ing to find the sunset/sunrise times, and even the weather, for the user’s location.

Some modern computers use “ambient lighting”. I have no idea how this works but, presumably, if the computer is able to determine the *lighting *of the current environment, then it must (presumably) store this information somewhere… in which case it could also be read (somehow?). This should fill your weekends :sunglasses:[/quote]

Haha, the ambient lighting is going me personally a bit too far, it is still my first plugin, but if somebody were to commit it I would definately accept it.
I’ll be looking in to the sunset/sunrise part though, who knows.



Should someone still be looking for a sunset/sunrise based solution: I made a plugin called SunCycle.
It switches your color scheme/theme based on sunrise/sunset at your location.

Installation with Package Control:

You have to enter your location’s coordinates manually in the settings currently.
I hope to find some time to optionally do an IP address lookup to derive them (useful if you travel a lot).