Sublime Forum

I'm very sad to say goodbye to Sublime text


It was a great editor, possibly still is for certain use cases, but for me, alas, Visual Studio Code works a whole lot better.

I’m saying this after trying Sublime vs VS Code side by side, and I’ve just noticed that I stopped even trying Sublime for more than a week and do not miss it one bit.

Unicode was the main reason that got me on my path for finding a better code editor. Other reasons came along uninvited.

I did buy a license, so I feel like I have a right to express my opinion.





Could you be more specific on your motivation for the switch? Aside from “Unicode” I don’t really see anything and for me ST has always handled that fine.



see you later :cry:



Sorry, I’m not prepared to provide a proper review, it’s just the general feeling of how VSC responds to autocomplete, indentation and how it inserts code snippets, preview function signature in JS and more… Also it was very easy to setup debugging of PHP.

The general feeling was that I’m getting things done faster. Git plugin was pre-installed… Also I just got another update with improvements in menu bar, shortcuts and such. in Sublime the release cycle is what, once a quarter at best? During my first month with VSC I already got 2 useful updates.

The lack of Unicode support was the only show stopper for me, because I need to support Hebrew and Arabic in my code.