Sublime Forum

I'm using sublime on Windows


I’m using sublime 3 on Windows, so I edit text-type Windows’ registry file which has block header with character pair of ‘[’ and ‘]’, as it’s common in ini files; a section is initiated by a text string enclosed by [ and ] character then followed by another strings as its member. The question is How can I fold (and unfold) these blocks when I’m editing it… Thank you so much in advance



Since sublime does this code folding thing only based on indentantion, you won’t be able to do it with one click.

However, you could do it manually:

  1. while you’re inside of square braces ( e.g. [ke|y] )
  2. press ctrl+shift+m to select the text between matching brackets;
  3. then press ctrl+shift+[ to collapse the selected text.

Probably you could do the last two steps with a macro, but i’m not sure.

To uncollapse, you just need to press ctrl+shift+] while your text cursor is touching the collapsed block or ctrl+k, ctrl+0 to uncolapse everything.