Sublime Forum

Ignoring syntax highlighting for scope


I have created my own tmlanguage file, everything in it works fine, but there is a plugin that I am trying to write that copies the text in the current scope using the the view.extract_scope(region) command, which will be used as a keyboard shortcut to copy command definitions in this syntax. This works great when I add

      <string>: </string>

to my patterns array, but it removes all syntax highlighting for anything within that scope. I do also have it using the foldingstartmarker and foldingstopmarker for code folding, even though it says that those are not currently supported, it has worked for me since ST2. I guess what I am really looking for is how to add an extra scope to a region without messing with the color scheme for the area.



What syntax are you working with? Can you provide a sample snippet?



Its a completely custom one, but here is a larger snippet of it

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
  <string>: </string>
    <!-- comments -->
      <string>ANSI line comment</string>
      <string>(?&lt;=^|\s)(` .*$)</string>
    <!-- strings -->
      <string>"" "</string>
      <string>" "</string>
      <string>"" </string>


bumping for please?