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I want to rewrite incremental find - is that possible?


I have spent a weekend hacking Sublime to give me basic emacs functionality. I know other packages already exist but they didn’t really do things quite right, and in many ways Emacs got many of the basics just absolutely right. It was a successful weekend of hacking and I am still learning.

I like the incremental find that comes with Sublime, but it is missing a couple of features. The main ones for me are:

  • if I type ctrl+s immediately after the first one, it should use the same search string that I ended with last time
  • if I type ctrl+w it should append the text in front of the cursor to the current search string
  • if I search for a MixedCase item, the search automatically becomes case sensitive, otherwise case insensitive
  • when it’s done I should be able to get a notification so I can set the mark at the original location
  • I’d love a way to say “find the rest in this direction without wrapping” so I can then go all multi-cursor on the ones I’ve selected

I realize these are all personal taste so I am happy to implement it myself, but I either need to start from scratch (is that possible?) or I need a way to get hooks into what is happening in the incremental_find panel. I am unclear on how to do either.

Here are a few observations and comments about what I think I have learned so far:

  • I think it’s a regular view inside the incremental_find panel. My text command event listener seems to be invoked when I run commands there. That is excellent! At first I thought the panel was a complete special case.
  • If I put a “context” in my key binding such that it’s only active if the incremental_find panel is showing and has focus, I don’t seem to be getting my function called. Should that work?
  • If that does work, would the view argument be the view for the incremental find or the active view of the active window?
  • Is there a way to capture all key strokes? I want to be able to terminate my incremental search if I type some other command, like Control-A.


Looks very possible.

[quote]* If I put a “context” in my key binding such that it’s only active if the incremental_find panel is showing and has focus, I don’t seem to be getting my function called. Should that work?

Looks like… should work, if “operand” accepts the name of your panel.

[quote] { “keys”: “alt+enter”], “command”: “find_all”, “args”: {“close_panel”: true},
“context”: {“key”: “panel”, “operand”: “incremental_find”}, {“key”: “panel_has_focus”}]

[quote]* If that does work, would the view argument be the view for the incremental find or the active view of the active window?

show_input_panel(name) returns a view, you can keep a reference to the view, and also keep track if the view is shown or not, There is also an on_change listener.

[quote]* Is there a way to capture all key strokes? I want to be able to terminate my incremental search if I type some other command, like Control-A.

Probably with keybindings.

you can log inputs and commands to a console, See

You need to hack hard and is complicated without testing, because some things that are supposed to work, in some very special conditions, does not work. So I can’t tell with confidence.



Ho ho! It worked! My problem with the key bindings was - oh my - specifying “content” instead of “context” in the key binding.

I have managed to get emacs-style incremental search working. What this means is:

  • As you type characters the search string grows and all the matches are highlighted.

  • If you type the search key (Control-s) again, you move to the next match.

  • If you type backspace, you go back exactly one state. That might be going back to the previous match OR going back to a search string with one less character in it.

  • If you type Control-W characters from buffer are appended to the search string.

  • If you find yourself searching for something that doesn’t exist, you can type Control-G to go back to the last state your search was succeeding.

  • If you type Control-G and your search is working, you will abort the search and go back to where you started, panel hidden.

  • If you type Control-S to start a search and then type it again immediately, it uses the last search string you used.

  • If you click the mouse in the window, the search is automatically stopped.

  • And because this is part of a larger project of mine, when you are done with your search the mark is set to where you started.

I’ve made the following sublime text enhancements:

  • Like ST when you start a search one item is highlighted with a solid background and other matches are outlined.

  • If you type Control-S again it moves that highlighted item to the next item. (This is the same.)

  • If you press CMD-D while searching, however, it adds the current item to the set of cursors, and moves to the next item and highlights it. By “move to the next item” I mean moves forward or backward depending on the direction you were going in when you pressed CMD-D.

  • This means you can add to your resulting cursors with CMD-D or you can SKIP the current item by just searching again with Control-S. This allows you to have non-contiguous
    matches in your multi-cursor when you’re done.

  • If you accidentally go too far and add something you don’t want, you can press backspace, because backspaces restores you to your previous state, including your selected cursors.

  • When you’re done you press Return and your cursors are waiting for you!



I’m very interested in what you did. Could you please share it ?



Sorry I didn’t notice this for so long.

It’s part of the sublemacspro plugin.



Is this possible at this moment? Because it sounds awesome!



It’s all part of the sublemacspro plugin. It’s not possible to separate it out.

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