Sublime Forum

I think sublime help needs a new-user section!


I am an expert C/Unix programmer (been programming in C since 1976 maybe 1975) and thought I’d try sublime. Sublime tries running the wrong compiler. All the help I’ve found online assumes I know far more than I do so far about sublime.

Research on user manuals says new users want to get things done; they don’t want to first spend all day working through learning lots of features, or watching videos that might not even help (I can read much faster than I can watch). Yet most manuals and help are feature-oriented - which is helpful if you know what feature you want help on. But new users don’t even know the names of features!

I’m sure sublime experts are excited by all the things sublime can do – it seems very exciting, wonderfully configurable, etc – but for me I don’t actually want to know any of that YET; I just want to build and run C programs! Anything else is a distraction.

You have to get [time to do first successful build in sublime] ≤ [time to do a build in your current system] +[time to allow for a bit of learning before enthusiasm evaporates] else people will stay with what they know!



Have you seen Menu: Tools ▶ Build System ▶ New Build System