Sublime Forum

I lost all my comments in Preferences >> Settings >> User. St3 it is a big Bug?


I lost all my comments
Preferences >> Settings >> User
I have done a lot of work here, especially adding a lot of themes and various settings.
A day later, I opened Subline Text3 again, and I found that there were no comments in it, and none of them were left. Even the topics I backed up with comments were lost.

I don’t like choosing from here:
Preferences >> Themes …
The subject chosen here is error prone, and every time you change, there will be no comments left in your “USER” settings.

Isn’t this terrifying? How do you avoid losing notes.



Yeah. It seems that ST overwrites that file if you change settings not by directly editing that file. I guess ST just read/decode the JSON file, change its value and then write/encode it back. So everything other than standard JSON will be lost.

For example, changing font size via Ctrl + Wheel will lose comments.

I notice that because I was using spaces as indentation for all files basically but when I adjust font size, the settings file becomes tab-indented…




Instead of using comments, use “fake” settings. For instance I keep a list of fonts that I have tried in my settings like this:

	"font_face": "MenloPlus-Regular",
"font_face_old": "PragmataProMono-Regular, Consolas, Input-Regular, Menlo-Regular, IBM Plex Mono-Regular, SFMono-Regular,  FiraCode-Regular",

font_face_old isn’t a valid setting, it’s one I made up. If you wanted to comment the font_face setting you might create a setting like “font_face_comment” which contains your comments.



For a small number of cases, this approach may work.
Have you tried “user set” to read a local Json file?
Or, once determined, change usre set to read-only?