Sublime Forum

Html linting in st4?


Sublime Text 4 is proving a nightmare for a non-programmer to set up for web development work.
You people haven’t backed up your own ST4 creation with a method for readily linting HTML! Why not? This really sucks. I never would have upgraded to this version ST4 if I had of known.
Your users of ST4 are not all computer programmers.
Grrr. 2 days wasted, and no solution in sight.



Sublime Text is a text editor, not a web development IDE. As such we don’t ship web development tools with Sublime Text, outside of the direct HTML/CSS/JS support.

If you want linting, SublimeLinter is a popular package and there’s a configuration package for html-tidy. Note that for doing anything beyond manually writing some basic html, modern web development commonly uses tools like node, npm, etc. which you’ll need to install separately.

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Yes, but surely you realise you need to cater to regular users.
Html-tidy doesnt work out of the box on anything but apple pcs. The work around can only be configured and utilised by programmers. So Windows users of ST4 are left out all together.
It’s easy for you to say that your business doesn’t support regular users with what might be considered basic functionality, but that’s not good enough.
This major limitation of having no real HTML linting capacity for regular users on Windows is not made known for users of ST2 and ST3 before they buy ST4 and then spend hours and hours in utter frustrating futility trying to get a working HTML linter going.
You people need to lift your game.
Your are certainly damaging your business reputation.
I wasted two awful days trying to set up your ST4 software in vain.
Never again.
Yours sincerely.



Html-tidy doesnt work out of the box on anything but apple pcs. The work around can only be configured and utilised by programmers. So Windows users of ST4 are left out all together.

I just went through and installed html-tidy from their website, added it to the PATH and the SublimeLinter-html-tidy plugin worked after restarting Sublime Text. That’s nothing a power user isn’t capable of doing, although the instructions for the plugin are out of date now making things a little more difficult to find.

It’s easy for you to say that your business doesn’t support regular users with what might be considered basic functionality, but that’s not good enough.

We don’t consider linting HTML to be “basic functionality”. It is not required for writing HTML, lots of people find in-editor linters annoying, HTML is far from the only thing that has linters nor is there just one HTML linter. If we were making a tool for just web development including this stuff would make sense, but Sublime Text supports a wide variety of use-cases. You can write HTML just fine in Sublime Text with zero configuration; I’ve been doing it for years.

This major limitation of having no real HTML linting capacity for regular users on Windows is not made known for users of ST2 and ST3 before they buy ST4 and then spend hours and hours in utter frustrating futility trying to get a working HTML linter going.

I’m sorry your time was wasted. Forums like this and the discord server are good places to get help with this stuff before spending days on something that should be easy.

We have an unlimited trial period with no feature limitations before buying a license, the same thing we’ve done for every version of Sublime Text. A license was not required to try ST4. ST4 is also backwards compatible with ST3 so if you had a working setup in ST3 it should continue to work in ST4.