Sublime Forum

How to see invisible characters


I can see that it is possible to get Sublime to show white spaces but not carriage returns?

In the forum people suggest doing this:

Preferences > File Settings - User”: "draw_white_space": "all"

I can go to Preferences > File Settings – User. But then what do I do??

There is already some code there:

	"color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Monokai.tmTheme",
	"dictionary": "Packages/Language - English/en_GB.dic",
	"font_size": 12,
	"theme": "Default.sublime-theme"


I’ve tried adding "draw_white_space": "all" before the } and after the } but I just get an error message on save. How or where do I add this?



What is the error message you are getting ? You have probably missed to add a comma after "theme": "Default.sublime-theme" if you have added it after that setting.



Thank you. I didn’t know I had to add a comma