Sublime Forum

How to save the changes to the default syntaxes after update Sublime Text 3?


For example, I add in my HTML.sublime-syntax file 2 strings:

- match: example
  scope: example.html

After Sublime Text 3 will update the file HTML.sublime-syntax to change and my 2 lines in file deleted. To return to my scope, I must once again make my 2 lines in the file HTML.sublime-syntax. I can use my own syntax for HTML, but then I could not get the update file HTML.sublime-syntax.

May I make so that?

  1. I received all updatings of the file HTML.sublime-syntax.
  2. 2 lines paste by me would always be added to the file HTML.sublime-syntax. And I shouldn’t paste them manually after each Sublime Text 3 updating again.




Your only sane solution to this problem would be to use directly use git. Clone the packages repo, make your changes and commit them. Then, whenever the packages change upstream, you run git pull to fetch the latest changes and automatically rebase your local changes on-top of them.



It’s no good :unamused: . If I want to change files CSS.sublime-syntax, JavaScript.sublime-syntax and some others, I have to initialize Git in the folders HTML, CSS, JavaScript and so on? Thanks.