Sublime Forum

How to run Java code after compiling?


It took me a while of reading through various threads on here & elsewhere, & then tweaking various preferences/setting paths for Sublime Text 2 to pick up the JDK. I tested a file already on my computer, & finally had success compiling it, but now I’m stuck at figuring out how to run the code from there.

I’m using TextPad in my programming class, & need something at home to work on projects if I can’t make it to campus (Citrix is being so kind lately & refuses to open the one application I actually need to make use of right now).

So how do I run the code once I’ve compiled it?
The build of Sublime Text I have installed right now is 2023, & I’m using JDK 6 update 23.


Compiling and Running Java
Questions from a new user

save this as javac + exec.sublime-build in your sublime text packages folder

build javac “$FileName” && java “$BaseName”
lineNumberRegex ^(…?):([0-9]):?([0-9]*)
showWhenFinished false
workingDir $ProjectDir

then select this build in tools, build system. It will now build and run the program when you press F7




how about compiling ans running java with ST2?

The javaC file contains:
“cmd”: “javac”, “$file”],
“file_regex”: “^(…?):([0-9]):?([0-9]*)”,
“selector”: “”

I would also like it to run, but don’t know what to change



I think your best option is to make a batch file or shell script (depending on what platform your on), and then making a .sublime-build file that runs that script



Well, I’ve made the jump to sublime text 2, discovered that the build system is slightly weird now, cant say I like it much as it adds little but seems to take away the option of custom commands to some extent. Maybe I just don’t understand it, and there’s no docs. Whatever. Now I have a bat file in my java/bin dir with the following

cd %~dp1
javac %~nx1
java %~n1

And I have modified the javac build system to use this. works on windows only, but you can do the same thing in sh



What exactly have you changed? I would really like to run java too.



What exactly have you changed? I would really like to run java too.[/quote]

Make the bat file with the following, and save it anywhere in your PATH. I suggest C:\Program Files\Java\jdk*\bin\ to keep everything together.

cd %~dp1
javac %~nx1
java %~n1

then edit [sublimetext packages folder]\Java\JavaC.sublime-build

the contents will be

	"cmd": "javac", "$file"],
	"file_regex": "^(...*?):([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)",
	"selector": ""

replace “javac” with the name of your bat file (for instance, javacexec.bat) and save it.

Tada! now java will compile and run when you press F7



While no one has posted in this thread for a few months, I, too, have this question. I am running ST2 (Build 2080) on MacOSX. The default JavaC build script works fine for me at creating a .class file; however, I would like some way to run the program from within ST2 without having to open my terminal. I have read through all of the “solutions” posted on the forum for running java; however, none of them worked or were only for windows. Has there been any progress toward making a definitive solution? Perhaps a working build script that runs the “java” command or some type of plugin? Thanks for any help!



Still don’t have a solution to this for OSX. Does anyone know a way (a plugin maybe) to run Java after compiling? I would prefer not having to switch to my terminal every time. I know about wbond’s Terminal plugin but I would like a simpler solution…



My solution for this problem:


{ "cmd": "javacr.bat", "$file_base_name" ], "file_regex": "^(...*?):([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)", "working_dir": "${file_path}", "selector": "" }

javacr.bat in PATH(I place it in jdk folder):

@ECHO OFF javac java %1

For mac or linux you can make same script:

$ cat #!/bin/sh javac $ javac $1

don’t forget chmod +x and palce in PATH.



Bat update:

@ECHO OFF javac if errorlevel 1 goto error echo [OK, running... ] java %1 goto end :error echo [Compile was unsuccessful] goto end :end



Little error in your sh script. you have “javac” twice. The second one should be “java”

should be:

$ cat #!/bin/sh javac $ java $1



[quote=“C0D312”]Little error in your sh script. you have “javac” twice. The second one should be “java”

should be:

$ cat #!/bin/sh javac $ java $1[/quote]

Thank you, its typos.

Better use this code:

@ECHO OFF javac if errorlevel 1 goto error echo [OK, running... ] java %1 goto end :error echo [Compile was unsuccessful] goto end :end

Because when you re-compiling your code and have an error, our old java class does not start. It’s better.



[quote=“C0D312”]Little error in your sh script. you have “javac” twice. The second one should be “java”

should be:

$ cat #!/bin/sh javac $ java $1[/quote]


In Mac , in which directory i save this code?





save this in your /usr/bin/



Hey guys,

thanks for the tipps…could finally do it =)…I’m on Mac OS X 10.7 running ST2bd2139.

I tried to implement the error handling in the .sh script and I also had to modify it to make it work, don’t know why but the whole $ cat filename thing made it not work and I also had to change the shebang part to /bin/bash instead of /bin/sh…so here’s what I came up with

This is the file in folder /usr/bin/

echo "Compiling Java sourcecode..."
javac $
if  $? == 0 ]; then { 
	echo "Running the compiled code..."
	java $1
} else {
	echo "Compiling error, no .class file created"
} fi

for this I created a new build system called JavaCRun.sublime-build with the following code inside:

	"cmd": "", "$file_base_name" ],
	"file_regex": "^(...*?):([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)",
	"working_dir": "${file_path}",
	"selector": ""

it works so far so good, when the code has no errors it makes the desired .class file and runs it. This works good with “Hello World”-type (very simple) programs but it doesn’t really good with programs which require user input (when I run it in Terminal I get prompted to enter something like a number or so, I can’t do this in the sublime text “console”). The code is compiled successfully and the .class file is created but when the script runs the .class file, it doesn’t work good because I can give the needed user input…

is this a limitation from sublimetext console or is there a way to solve this and allow userinput in sublime text?

thanks for your replys!



Bumping this up, it would be really nice if there was a way to do this.



To answer your question, ST2 does not allow for interactive input. That’s why I find it most convenient to use iTerm’s fullscreen visor ( plus @wbond’s Terminal plugin to quickly run java programs. I build the file in ST2, then I set iTerm to appear and disappear on a keystroke and run with iTerm. Hopefully ST2 will allow for interactive input in the future but I don’t think it’s top priority atm.

Hope that helps.



Like C0D312, I solve this by using iTerm and @wbond’s terminal plugin. I did make a slight change to the file within the Terminal plugin. Every time you run it, it opens a new terminal. I didn’t like this so I altered it to just use the current terminal. This way I just build in SB2, cmd + shit + t, and now i’m at the directory in iTerm. From here I just use a text expander snippet to build. It’s not perfect, but just a few keystrokes and its done.

Here is my altered file.


CD_CMD=“cd “\”$(pwd)\”" && clear"
VERSION=$(sw_vers -productVersion)

if (( $(expr $VERSION ‘<’ 10.7) )); then
tell application “System Events”
count(processes whose name is “iTerm”)
end tell

if (( $RUNNING )); then
tell application “iTerm”
set term to (current terminal)
tell term
set sess to (current session)
tell sess
write text “$CD_CMD”
end tell
end tell
end tell
tell application “iTerm”
set sess to the first session of the first terminal
tell sess
write text “$CD_CMD”
end tell
end tell



Sorry to bump and old thread.

This is working fine for me.

But if I want to import another library, when I build and run it fails.

The output says it can’t find the library.

When I run javac from the command line it works fine though. CLASSPATH is configured correctly.

Any ideas?

Have searched around and am failing to come up with any thing.
