Sublime Forum

How to modify existing themes


I would like to modify a specific theme to my tastes, but I can’t seem to understand how I should be doing so. When I install the theme via Package Control all files are zipped in, and the only unzipped files are binaries in the cache folder.

Am I supposed to unzip the theme files somewhere? And what files should I modify to see the effects? Am I to recompile something?



Checkout this site:

It allows you to visually edit any of the built in themes (or those created by users) and download it. Give it a try :wink:

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You can use to edit/browse package files in ST3. If you modify the files and save, they will be placed in the proper location to override the package files.



[quote=“Evoken”]Checkout this site:

It allows you to visually edit any of the built in themes (or those created by users) and download it. Give it a try :wink:[/quote]

Thank you, I had already found that and next step will be edit font colouring.

By theme I meant the total visual overhaules that change the window and elements of Sublime, lìke Soda or Centurion.

Thank you, will try!

EDIT: PackageResourceViewer was exactly what I needed! How would I go to repack the modified files in a different package than the original one?



If you save the file, it’ll place it in the proper location to override the default file. If you are doing some major modification, consider using the “Extract Package” command. This will extract the entire contents of the .sublime-package file. Then, rename it to something meaningful to you in the Packages directory. You will then have a completely new theme, based on some default.



Thank you, that was helpful. I’ll try and add it to the Package Control Repository now!