Sublime Forum

How to launch the 'find' panel in clean state


I’d like the ‘Find’ panel to launch with a clean slate every time I launch it. I’ve been trying to write a TextCommand for this but have been failing. Here’s what I have so far:

class LaunchEmptyFindPanelCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    def run(self, edit):
        self.view.window().run_command("show_panel", {"panel": "find"})
        panel_view = self.view.find_output_panel("find")
        panel_view.run_command("delete_word", {"forward": False, "sub_words": False})

I think the problem is with the line

panel_view = self.view.find_output_panel("find")

that is not retrieving the view object of the find panel. (How do I check/debug this by the way? I haven’t found a way to write to the console.) So I think my question is really: how do I get my hands on the panel’s view object?

Also, the delete_word command is just a hack that will only work when the previous search involved only one word. I would be happy to know the correct way of wiping the contents of the Find panel.



when you show the find panel, you could run the select_all command to select the entire search pattern, then left_delete to delete it. I think executing those commands on window.active_view() after the find panel is shown should work, but I could be wrong.

the text box for the find pattern is not an output panel, so trying to get a view that way won’t work.



Thank you.

It didn’t work, unfortunately. For example, this results in a left_delete occurring in the main window as opposed to the find panel:

class LaunchEmptyFindPanelCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    def run(self, edit):
        self.view.window().run_command("show_panel", {"panel": "find"})

More ominously, even this doesn’t work (though it still deletes a character in the main window):

class LaunchEmptyFindPanelCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    def run(self, edit):
        self.view.window().run_command("show_panel", {"panel": "find"})
        all_views = self.view.window().views()
        for v in all_views:

So it seems that the panel isn’t even a “view” of self.window().



Yes, indeed, widget views (basically everything that shows up at the bottom or in a popup) are not normal views and cannot be found in window.views().

I don’t thing there is a proper way to always open the Find panel empty.



have you checked to see what the effect of the slurp_find_string WindowCommand is with no selection?



Yes this works, but only if the selection is nonempty, alas, which defeats the purpose…

In the meanwhile, I think I’ve figured out that what I really want (though having a clean find panel would be great) is for the find panel to close automatically whenever it loses focus. I’ll post this in another thread, though.



Maybe you’d want the incremental find panel? It opens with ctrl+I and closes once you press enter (or escape, which will bring you back to your starting point).