Sublime Forum

How to kill "definition" link in autocomplete box?


I chose not to upgrade ST3->ST4, but now am finding I must for plugin support. So I am trying to configure ST4 to be like ST3 in every way.

One thing I am struggling with is the tab completion, which is much less useful in ST4 than ST3 because it recommends things that are not remotely completions.

For example, imagine I type “seq” in a file where “seq” is an existing variable.


That has nothing to do with anything despite s, e and q being letters in it. Or imagine I type “x”, for which there are no completions at all:


What? (This popup was actually even worse before I disabled the “snippets” feature, but at least there’s a line to turn that off in sublime-settings.)

Sublime should not offer an autocompletion result unless it actually has a useful completion. Otherwise this weakens the value of the completion suggestion box appearing as a signal. Out-of-order matching like this is fine in the ctrl-p file listing or whatever but not autocomplete.

I would also like to remove the “Definition” link from autocomplete, because (1) I won’t be using it, if I wanted to show a definition I would use the “show definition” feature (2) I don’t like distractions in my coding environment and (3) it works by opening “split file”, which (3a) I NEVER want and (3b) is mysteriously harder than it should be to close once accidentally activated.



I should’ve searched more. Option for ST3-style autocomplete matching is "auto_complete_preserve_order": "strict",



Still curious how to remove the “definition” box tho. Maybe a hotkey to type in a symbol and jump to the definition would be nice but personally I wouldn’t want that mixed with ordinary autocomplete.