I am inserting this text on the view:
text: Packages list:
1: A File Icon
Sublime file-specific icons for improved visual grepping
v3.2.1; github.com/ihodev/a-file-icon
2: Add Folder To Project
Repository for the AddFolderToProject Sublime Plugin
v1.1.1; github.com/DavidGerva/AddFolderToProject-SublimePlugin
3: Advanced CSV
No description provided
unknown version
4: AdvancedNewFile
File creation plugin for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3.
v1.7.0; github.com/skuroda/Sublime-AdvancedNewFile
However sublime text keeps inserting (and indenting) it as:
Packages list:
1: A File Icon
Sublime file-specific icons for improved visual grepping
v3.2.1; github.com/ihodev/a-file-icon
2: Add Folder To Project
Repository for the AddFolderToProject Sublime Plugin
v1.1.1; github.com/DavidGerva/AddFolderToProject-SublimePlugin
3: Advanced CSV
No description provided
unknown version
4: AdvancedNewFile
File creation plugin for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3.
v1.7.0; github.com/skuroda/Sublime-AdvancedNewFile
This is where sublime keeps messing with everthing:
new_view.run_command("insert", {"characters": "Packages list:\n\n" + package_string})
print( "text: " + "Packages list:\n\n" + package_string )
The one which goes to my console is correctly displayed, the one which goes to the view is messed up.
I cannot use view.insert()
because I cannot access it on the thread. I tried to pass is as attribute, but did no worked.
Can insert text be fixed on new_view.run_command("insert"
This is my code:
import textwrap
import threading
import os
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
from .. import text
from ..show_quick_panel import show_quick_panel
from ..package_manager import PackageManager
from .existing_packages_command import ExistingPackagesCommand
print( "Reloading Package Control\package_control\commands\list_packages_command.py" )
class ListPackagesOnViewCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
A command that shows a list of all installed packages in a new view
def run(self):
ListPackagesThread(self.window, on_view=True).start()
class ListPackagesThread(threading.Thread, ExistingPackagesCommand):
A thread to prevent the listing of existing packages from freezing the UI
def __init__(self, window, filter_function=None, on_view=False):
:param window:
An instance of :class:`sublime.Window` that represents the Sublime
Text window to show the list of installed packages in.
:param filter_function:
A callable to filter packages for display. This function gets
called for each package in the list with a three-element list
as returned by :meth:`ExistingPackagesCommand.make_package_list`:
0 - package name
1 - package description
2 - [action] installed version; package url
If the function returns a true value, the package is listed,
otherwise it is discarded. If `None`, no filtering is performed.
self.window = window
self.on_view = on_view
self.filter_function = filter_function
self.manager = PackageManager()
def run(self):
self.package_list = self.make_package_list()
if self.filter_function:
self.package_list = list(filter(self.filter_function, self.package_list))
def show_no_packages():
Package Control
There are no packages to list
def show_panel():
if not self.package_list:
show_quick_panel(self.window, self.package_list, self.on_done)
def show_view():
if not self.package_list:
new_view = sublime.active_window().new_file()
package_string = ""
package_count = 0
new_view.set_name("Packages List")
new_view.set_syntax_file("Packages/Text/Plain text.tmLanguage")
for package in self.package_list:
package_count += 1;
text = ""
text += "%3d: %s\n" % ( package_count, package[0] )
text += textwrap.fill(package[1], 80)
text = textwrap.dedent(text)
# print( "text: " + text )
package_string += text + "\n" + package[2] + "\n\n"
new_view.run_command("insert", {"characters": "Packages list:\n\n" + package_string})
print( "text: " + "Packages list:\n\n" + package_string )
initial_region = sublime.Region(0,0)
if self.on_view:
sublime.set_timeout(show_view, 10)
sublime.set_timeout(show_panel, 10)
def on_done(self, picked):
Quick panel user selection handler - opens the homepage for any
selected package in the user's browser
:param picked:
An integer of the 0-based package name index from the presented
list. -1 means the user cancelled.
if picked == -1:
package_name = self.package_list[picked][0]
def open_dir():
package_dir = self.manager.get_package_dir(package_name)
package_file = None
if not os.path.exists(package_dir):
package_dir = self.manager.settings['installed_packages_path']
package_file = package_name + '.sublime-package'
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(package_dir, package_file)):
package_file = None
open_dir_file = {'dir': package_dir}
if package_file is not None:
open_dir_file['file'] = package_file
self.window.run_command('open_dir', open_dir_file)
sublime.set_timeout(open_dir, 10)