Sublime Forum

How to have Ctrl+D duplicate case sensitivity different from Ctrl+F


I use Ctrl+F to search for thing I am not sure of the exact case. So case sensitivity is often set to false.

However, when I use Ctrl+D I always want to select the same case (I want the variable named nodeList not the class named NodeList).

Is there a way to have the case sensitivity of Ctrl+D different from Ctrl+F ?

I am on Sublime Text 3.



That’s currently not possible.

ctrl+D invokes "find_under_expand" command, which shares settings with find/replace panel.

Find panels can be opened with certain settings being set via command arguments (e.g.: "command": "show_panel", "args": {"panel": "find", "reverse": false, "case_sensitive": true}), but the same is not possible for "find_under_expand" command.

It would require the latter one to support arguments such as case_sensitive to override settings from find panel or any other option to control its behavior independently from find panel.

That’s not the first time such a question arises.

Maybe a feature request is already hanging around at