Hi everyone
I have 2 stupids issues and I absolutely have no clue at all.
First, it’s about the README.md file :
• why on github, the md file displays correctly, especially the screenshots hosted directly on my repo (https://github.com/KaminoU/regex_portfolio). And on Package Control, it displays weirdly without the screenshots (https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Regex%20Portfolio) ? I noticed that the screnshots link are all replaced with a wrong url…
Secondly, and it’s more tricky for me, because I just do not understand (it’s my first plugin, and also my first code written in python)…
I noticed lately that my ST3 plugin is on Package Control, so I decided to install from Package Control to test it.
But after installing, I got those 2 errors :
• error: The settings file “res://Packages/regex_portfolio/RegexPortfolio.sublime-settings” could not be opened
• FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘C:\Users\miki\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Regex Portfolio\Context.sublime-menu’
How a same code, installed manually (by cloning github) works “correctly” and installed throught Package Control could have 2 differents behaviour?
It’s only a tiny plugin, nothing extraordinary like some I can see on Github/Package Control. But I still want to share =)
I reread my code and change it to
SETTINGS_FILE = 'RegexPortfolio.sublime-settings'
custom_settings = None
def regex_portfolio_settings():
global custom_settings
if custom_settings is None:
custom_settings = sublime.load_settings(SETTINGS_FILE)
return custom_settings.get(USER_REGEX_PORTFOLIO_KEY)
but not sure if it will work correctly or not through Package Control.
I guess that the problem is the same about the context menu file (written dynamically, based on the user settings)
Is there a way to test my plugin “as if” it was installed from Package Control?
Thank you for reading