What you’re doing is a perfect job for arrays (or “lists” in Python). They are of arbitrary lenght and allow automating a lot of things you are currently doing manually. Here’s your plugin with arrays:
import shutil
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class SyncFileCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
settings = sublime.load_settings('SyncFile.sublime-settings')
src_mappings = settings.get("mappings", ])
mappings = ]
# Check if we have the correct value type
if not isinstance(src_mappings, list):
print("invalid value type, should be a list: %r" % src_mappings)
for mapping in src_mappings:
# Check if we have the correct value types for the mappings
if not isinstance(mapping, dict):
print("invalid mapping type, should be a dict: %r" % mapping)
# Check if required keys exist
elif not all(name in mapping for name in ('source', 'dest')):
print("required key(s) missing: %r" % mapping)
# Check if required keys have correct value type
elif not isinstance(mapping'source'], str) or not isinstance(mapping'dest'], str):
print("invalid type for required key(s), should be str: %r" % mapping)
# Check if required keys are not empty
elif not mapping'source'] or not mapping'dest']:
print("required key(s) empty: %r" % mapping)
# Check if there are valid mappings
if not mappings:
print("No valid mappings found")
source_name = self.view.file_name()
for mapping in mappings:
if source_name in mapping'source']:
shutil.copyfile(source_name, source_name.replace(mapping'source'], mapping'dest']))
msg = 'Your current file location is not in one of your source locations '
msg += 'or the relevant dest location is empty. '
msg += 'Please set the settings file properly and retry.'
And here is the corresponding settings file:
"source": "some/path",
"dest": "the/real/path",
"source": "same/shit/here",
"dest": "but/different/dest",
Edit: And yes, you want to re-load these settings before you use them anyway and since you’re only using the settings’ values once, caching them into a global doesn’t make sense.