Sublime Forum

How to efficiently merge package-lock.json files


How do you go about “merging” package-lock.json files? Before sublime merge I basically threw away the lock file whenever there were changes in the package.json and commited a new version. When merging/rebasing I always kept ‘their’ lockfile. With sublime merge the only way to “merge” packe-lock.json files by accepting all their changes that I found was to manually select all lines on the right side of the merge view, copied it, went into the middle removed everything including any conflict symbols and pasted it in. Is there a better way to do this?



so to clarify, you don’t wish to merge, just keep source or destination contributor?

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@kingkeith Yes. But I also wanted to ask if you people who are working in a js environment handle lock files of this sort differently.

Maybe that convoluted the question a little for which I apologize.