Sublime Forum

How to edit MoveText plugin so it moves by word instead of by character


I’d like to modify the MoveText plugin so it moves the selection left or right by one word at a time instead of one character at a time. How might I do it? Here’s the relevant function:

def move_text_horiz(self, edit, direction, selections=None):
    selections = selections or list(self.view.sel())
    if direction > 1:
    for region in selections:
        if region.empty():

        orig_region = region
        sel_region = Region(region.begin() + direction, region.end() + direction)

        if sel_region.a < 0 or sel_region.b > self.view.size():

        if direction < 0:
            dest_region = Region(region.begin() + direction, region.end())
            move_text = self.view.substr(region) + self.view.substr(Region(region.begin() + direction, region.begin()))
            dest_region = Region(region.begin(), region.end() + direction)
            move_text = self.view.substr(Region(region.end(), region.end() + direction)) + self.view.substr(region)

        # Remove selection from RegionSet
        # Replace the selection with transformed text
        self.view.replace(edit, dest_region, move_text)
        # Add the new selection
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