Hi, I have just started using st3 and find no option to turn off syntax highlighting. I did a search on this topic and landed on a support page which suggested to a similar request with “Use notepad”. I might be stupid, but I find the colors in st3 gaudy and overly obstructive, to the point where I can read nothing in my .cpp files. Is there any way I can turn off colors entirely ? Something like vim’s ‘:syntax off’
How to disable syntax highlighting entirely?
"View > Syntax > Open all with current extension as > Plain Text "
will disable syntax highlighting for all your .cpp files and remember upon closing of Sublime
You could also create a new color scheme that only defines a base foreground color but no colors for syntax elements. See docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/ … hemes.html. (Basically, you only want global settings and no scoped settings.)
This blog post helped me out
To remove an unwanted syntax from Sublime you can basically do two things:
- Disable them in the Sublime user settings file, or
- Remove the packages (because in fact, that’s what they are).