I recently modified an existing Theme, and the result is different enough that I’d like to publish it on Package Control. The problem is I have no idea how to do so.
Right now my theme is divided like this:
A “Data/Installed Packages/Theme - HueAccent.sublime-package” containing only an “icons” folder. Inside this folder are a bunch of icons used by the theme, and three files remaining from the Theme i modified that I don’t know what to do with: a .gitignore, a .stTheme and a .sublime-settings. The last two are named “Widgets”.
“Data/Packages/Theme - HueAccent”. Inside this folder are four .sublime-theme files (each one is a different color version of the theme).
I already have a github account. Could anyone be kind enough to explain to me how to package my theme and how to add it to the Package Control repository?
Thank you!