When you need to such specific task, the easiest approach is writing your own script, it is really not that complex, and worth the effort to learn since you will then be able to automate a lot of things within sublime.
I made a quick one to get you started:
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class PasteNplicateCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
clipboard = sublime.get_clipboard().replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n').split('\n')
for i,sel in enumerate(self.view.sel()) :
r = self.view.line(sel)
line = self.view.substr(r)
ls = line.split(',')
nl = ''
for x in ls :
if nl:
nl += ','
nl += clipboard[i] + x
self.view.replace(edit, r, nl)
Save that in your user package directory (Preferences->Browse package to find the directory)
Copy your word lines, and then do a multiple select on the number lines (you just need one cursor by line, no matter where the cursor actually is) and call the plugin.
To call the plugin, just add the following keybinding:
{ "keys": ["f5"], "command": "paste_nplicate" },