Sublime Forum

How to auto load package to format?


I am pretty new to sublime text (actually 3-day since using it, notepad++ user prior). I am using Sublime Text 3 build 3143. I have “indent xml” and “Pretty JSON” packages installed. Like the app so far!

Even with the packages installed, I still have to manually activate the formatter for xml and json file to have proper format. I am wondering if it is possible to have the formattor package to perform format automatically once opened the file.




for some reason this feature isn’t built in to these plugins, despite it being a super useful addition to have
I wrote a small plugin to get auto formatting when opening files using a similar plugin,, though, maybe you can adapt it to use those plugins you installed

Pretty JSON does have a setting pretty_on_save though, so you could open a file and save it straightaway



Thanks, is your plugin also do validation of JSON?

BTW, also tried your plugin but somehow it does not auto format json after openning the file…Might be I missed something.