Is it possible to scroll in sidebar with keyboard. When you have large number of files when you get to the bottom scroll stops at last file and you can’t see files below. You can put mouse over sidebar and scroll that way but is it possible to scroll with keyboard?
How scroll in sidebar keyboard
I can move up and down by arrows and it will preview the files in sidebar, but how just to scroll. When you hover with mouse over sidebar and scroll with your mouse scroll it will just scroll the sidebar without moving file preview, like in normal window.
How is the sidebar (where the list of folders and files live) related with minimap?
I read the request as “I want to e.g. ctrl+up
and ctrl+down
to scroll the sidebar without changing selected files”.
oh yeah you’re right. on my head I was reading sidebar as “scrollbar” lol. jeez my bad
So you don’t want to use your mouse, just the keyboard?
Here’s how I do it:
to focus on the sidebar -
keys to move
That’s moving, not scrolling. Put cursor over the sidebar and scroll with mouse wheel and you will see scrolling not moving of the sidebar. It will also move the the selection but focus will stay in the middle of the files/folders in the sidebar.