I’m experimenting with making changes to the new default Adaptive theme, but it’s taking too long to achieve something that isn’t visually distracting; both the light and the dark UI theme options clash with the dark gray syntax theme that I’ve been using for years now and don’t have any desire to change. I may downgrade to the last version rather than try to adjust to the new flat UI. Who says flat is always better? I really, really dislike no longer having horizontal borders between rows in the command palette - the clashing colors I made a start on and can fix on my own with enough time, but the rows no longer being distinct makes the menus much less readable and I have no idea how to fix it - and it is not a sensible use of my time to try to learn a brand new DSL well enough undo these changes.
I didn’t ask for this change. I was absolutely content with the old style and I really don’t care to try something new right now. I just want the old UI back.