Sublime Forum

How can I highlight hashtags and other special structures?


Sorry if this is not the right subforum for this question.

I am interested in writing Markdown in Sublime Text, as I already told you in my previous entry.

I will use Markdown syntax highlighting and also SmartMarkdown plugin for folding headings.

But, moreover, I would like some special structures to be highlighted, like for example:

]Hashtags: #example /]
]Abbreviations ending with colons: dd: (for due date) /]
]Dates: 10.03.2013 /]

Is it easy to define a new style file or plugin in order to do that, and to make it compatible with Markdown syntax highlighting?

I am new to Sublime Text. What documents should I read in order to learn to do this?



In your Packages folder - look for the MarkDown package - and look at and edit any .tmLanguage or .stLanguage files you find. The syntax highlighting rules will be in there with match rule strings specified in regular expression.