Sublime Forum

How can I change the text color of searcher engine field?


I created my theme to Sublime Text. But, I have a question. How can I change the search engine field? Pls See Image.



It seems that colors for widgets like the find text box are normally controlled by the theme and not by the color scheme - take a look at Packages/Theme - Default/Widget - Default.sublime-settings for an example - it tells ST to use Packages/Theme - Default/Widgets.stTheme for widgets.



Okay… The name of sublime-settingsmust to be next format
Widget - {name of theme}.sublime-settings
For example:
If the name of the theme file is : Sublime-Theme.sublime-theme
then the name of my settings must to be Widget - Sublime-Theme.sublime-settings

My settings file haven’t incorrect format name… why it was not read