Okay. The key bindings seem to be binded correctly:
key evt: alt+up
command: highlight_code_remarks_switch {"direction": -1}
key evt: alt+down
command: highlight_code_remarks_switch {"direction": 1}
Unfortunately there seems to be an error in the script during startup:
Reloading plugin C:\Users\visionsbox\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\highlight_code_remarks.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\sublime_plugin.py", line 62, in reload_plugin
File ".\highlight_code_remarks.py", line 143, in <module>
from support.view import DeferedViewListener
ImportError: No module named support.view
May I have missed any dependencies apart from the obvious ones (I’m currently using Sublime Text 2 Build 2210)?
Is it necessary to define how comments are written in my coding language? In JavaScript you open a single line comment with double slashes (// comment) and a multi line comment with a slash-star (/* comment */).
As you requested, I also tried to add a remark to your Python file to ensure it is no problem only appearing in JavaScript code. I’m not common to Python code, but I think something like
# TODO: I'm just testing
should have been highlighted as a code remark. Unfortunately it didn’t.