Hello, I’d like to ask whether Sublime Text 3 will have higher resolution tabs for retina displays or not. I realise/realize that this is a small priority item to address and that Sublime Text 3 is still in beta but it’d be a nice touch.
High-Resolution Tabs
I don’t know if SB will include this or has included this feature.
But there are themes which have high res support like soda-theme
I don’t see high resolution icons or tabs in ST3. I’m sure they will update the default theme after beta. HOPE so
FWIW, I know the guy that did the original tab design and he no longer has the files he used to create them so they can’t just be resaved in retina resolution. Really they should just make one of the other themes that support retina the default in Sublime Text 3 or get someone to redo the current tabs as retina.
Next time I see the guy that did the original tabs I’ll see if I can guilt trip him into updating them for retina but last time he didn’t seem very interested in redoing them.
Is there any update on getting high quality tabs? If not, is there a recommendation for a close-to-stock looking theme that has high quality assets? Sublime is so great, it’s just that in 3 the assets look absolutely terrible (tabs and icons) on high resolution displays right now.
Try Boxy Monokai with this options:
"theme_accent_purple": true,
"theme_bar_margin_top_sm": true,
"theme_button_rounded": true,
"theme_find_panel_close_hidden": true,
"theme_find_panel_size_xs": true,
"theme_icon_button_highlighted": true,
"theme_tab_arrows_hidden": true,
"theme_tab_rounded": true,
"theme_tab_selected_prelined": true,
"theme_tab_separator": true,
It includes @1x @2x @3x assets.
This is what you’re looking for: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Theme%20-%20Retina