Sublime Forum

Hiding window title bar when maximized


Please add the feature to hide sublime window title bar for maximized window, gtk_client_side_window_decorations": false can help but it does not work by default in popular Linux Window Managers: Gnome, KDE, LXDE and requires customization. Gnome extensions contains bugs often and fail to hide title bar after Gnome updates.

Sublime without title bars looks so much better:

We have full screen mode but it is often useful to see status bar information during work: current keyboard language, message notifications, time, system tray, etc. It is hard to impossible to show global status bar for full screen application on Linux dependent on which desktop environment you use.



Isn’t status bar is only hidden in distraction free mode, but still visible in normal fullscreen mode?

That said, I agree the huge titlebar in combination with the main menu visible wastes a lot of space and looks a bit deletantic - regardless it being OS convention or not.



I meant global OS status bar (or taskbar, menu bar) here, it is useful to see it during work. It’s on the top on my screenshots. Distraction free mode is also full screen so is not possible to see global OS task bar.



This is not something we plan on supporting directly. The proper way to do this is what you’ve already mentioned: disable client-side decorations and ask the desktop environment to not draw the title bar. Some tiling window managers do this by default.