Sublime Forum

Here is how to theme scroll bars, especially the tiny file diff scroll bars


After a lot of fiddling, I’ve found out how to change scroll bar size. The very thin scroll bars in the file diff area always irked me, it was hard using the mouse on them.

All you need to do is put this in a custom theme, or add it to the end of your existing theme.

        "class": "scroll_bar_control",
        "parents": [ { "class": "details_panel" } ],
        "content_margin": [ 0, 8, 0, 8 ]
        "class": "scroll_track_control",
        "parents": [ { "class": "details_panel" } ],
        "content_margin": [ 0, 8, 0, 8 ]

This is a before and after, making them a bit thicker, including a bit of a top & bottom margin:

See this for what the margin numbers refer to:

Hope that helps anyone else wanting to make those scroll bars bigger!

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