Sublime Forum

Help with build system for Crystal specs


I’m trying to create a custom build system for Crystal. I’m having some trouble parsing all data needed with the current available options, file_regex and line_regex. I’ve also skimmed through for more information.

Running the tests for a given file yield the following output:



  1) GitBrowse::GitHub generates repository URL
     Failure/Error: url.to_s.should eq("")

       Expected: ""
            got: "abc"

     # spec/git_browse/

  2) GitBrowse::GitHub fails
     Failure/Error: false.should eq(true)

       Expected: true
            got: false

     # spec/git_browse/

Finished in 139 microseconds
2 examples, 2 failures, 0 errors, 0 pending

Failed examples:

crystal spec spec/git_browse/ # GitBrowse::GitHub generates repository URL
crystal spec spec/git_browse/ # GitBrowse::GitHub fails

I’ve managed to capture filename and line number, but grabbing the message has been unsuccessful. Any pointers in there right direction would be much appreciated.




you may find it simply isn’t possible atm

you could vote up this feature request, in the hope it will inspire SublimeHQ to work on it soon: