Sublime Forum

HELP! Sublime won't start!


On Win7 x64, Sublime Text 2 v2.0.1, the program won’t start up. I don’t get any errors. The last thing I want to do is re-configure everything. I made a small change to the setting:

“detect_indentation”: true,

from true to false… then I restarted, and now it won’t startup. I reverted the change by editing the file:

AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\Default\Preferences.sublime-settings

using Notepad, but that didn’t work.

Any ideas?



It’s a bug that has yet to be fixed. You need to kill the running session in the task manager.



That’s strange I’m testing Sublime Text and changed “detect_indentation” to “false” then I save the changes, close Sublime Text, open back and all good, without any kind of problem.
I have Windows 7 Professional x64.