I just reinstalled Sublime Text, and I’m having a problem.
Every sentence I type is framed in white.
I installed Anaconda, SublimeREPL and PackageControl.
How to remove the frame in white?
I just reinstalled Sublime Text, and I’m having a problem.
Every sentence I type is framed in white.
I installed Anaconda, SublimeREPL and PackageControl.
How to remove the frame in white?
you can use Package Control: Disable Package to check what is causing the problem.
This is the python linter disagreeing with your code style.
For example, it likes “nb_produits * int(input())” not “nb_produits*int(input())”.
Each thing it doesn’t like, it will tell you in the message bar at the bottom.
If you don’t like the linting, go to a file named “Anaconda.sublime-settings” and look for the option “anaconda_linting”: true. (Set to false.)
I suggest:
(If you can’t find the file I just mentioned, install something called PackageResourceViewer, and use this to extract the anaconda package. Then you will find the Anaconda.sublime-settings file in that directory.)