No, not outside but within using the Ctrl-B build command.
However, I have realised my mistake.
What I should be doing is running the “view.run_command(‘winmerge’)” to check for errors in the code.
I am now following a tutorial by WBond on creating a plugin so as to become more conversant with this great piece of software.
But, perhaps I may push you for some further assistance?
I’m trying to figure out the correct EventListener method to use to select two files for comparison.
The existing plugin just used **on_activated **but in version 3 it is not working as expected.
eg. If I load 2 files one at a time from the sidebar and invoke the compare command only the topmost file is loaded and the 2nd selection criteria is empty.
If I then either Ctrl-tab or mouseclick on the 1st file the compare works. I assume that the buffers are not filled until these events take place.
This also happens with layouts of 2 or more columns or even with other windows. The 2 files must have been selected consecutively by either a mouseclick or key combo to bring them to the fore.
What I would like to know is do the other methods like **on_new **or **on_load **behave better for this role.
ie. If I load from the sidebar or using the Windows shell extension “Open with Sublime Text” 2 files they will be ‘in the buffer’ and then used as criteria for comparison?
Ideally I would like to have the second way checked first and then if an on_activated has taken place with one of the files the original code with **on_activated **is called.
It’s not a big problem, more of an exercise in learning for me.