Sublime Forum

Has shortcut for delete a line in Sublime Text changed?


I want to use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + K on my Windows computer to delete a line, but after updated I can’t do this anymore? Is there a new shortcut or just my computer is too dumb?



ctrl+shift+k is the default keybinding for deleting a line. Does it work in safe mode?

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nope :frowning:



If you open up the console (View > Show Console) and enter sublime.log_input(True); sublime.log_commands(True), when you then press ctrl+shift+k what gets logged in the console?

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with ctrl + shift + k, it didn’t show anything. but with other shortcut, it still displayed in the log screen



In that case you’ve got another application with a global key binding that’s stopping Sublime Text from receiving that key combination.

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thank you, but how can i identify that program?



Apart from searching the web for software that uses that key that you recognize, or checking the manuals/web pages for software you have installed, the only way that comes to mind is to press the key and see if some other application responds to it.

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I totally feel your pain. I ran into a similar issue with Sublime Text after an update. The good old Ctrl + Shift + K shortcut should still be the default for deleting a line, but sometimes updates can mess with settings or key bindings. It might not be your computer; these things just happen sometimes.

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If Sublime Text is not receiving those keys, as was shown by sublime.log_input, then this is entirely unrelated to settings or keybindings.

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It’s good to know. Thanks for sharing it, and thanks for correcting me. As you can see, I thought it was just by default.

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