Sublime Forum

Gutter plugins not working


i wanted to use git gutter and color highlighter or gutter color
so what happens is
-> git gutter doesn’t show green + on new lines
-> gutter color doesn’t show any other color than red
-> color highlighter doesn’t work

i running sublime 4126 on linux, i wanted to know if i haven’t configured these plugins right or these or not working on st4 >



Your problem with GItGutter is likely the following, which is taken from

GitGutter doesn’t add gutter icons any more

This is expected behaviour if GitGutter runs on Sublime Text 3189+ with "mini_diff": true or "mini_diff": "auto" being set in Preferences.sublime-settings in order to not interfere with the new Incremental Diff feature of Sublime Text 3.2+. In this situation GitGutter leaves the gutter to other plugins like SublimeLinter.

We don’t need two indicators about modifications at a time.

GitGutter still works in the background to add modification indicators to the minimap as @sublimehq decided not to add this feature to the Incremental Diff.

If you prefer GitGutter’s file modification icons in the gutter, you need to set "mini_diff": false in your Preferences.sublime-settings .